Diggers Services Club

Diggers Services ClubDiggers Services Club is located in Logan city.  They offer dining, live entertainment, bingo game, gaming machines, and function rooms.

They had a website which was not mobile friendly and it needed to be updated to match with their beautiful renovations.

Sumico Net created a attractive, well functioned and responsive (optimised for all devices including smartphones) website. It was lauched in March 2016.  https://www.diggersservicesclub.com.au/



Design Concepts

Diggers Services Club has a styleguide for their branding.  Sumico Net followed their styleguide for colours.

The following points are considered in the process.

  • Make it more upmarket
  • Showing beautifully renovated venues
  • Showing people having fun
  • Appeal to their targeting markets and younger market as well


Web Features & Fucntions

  • Using Content Management System for them to update their website easily
  • Resonosive website (optimised for Desktop, Laptop, Tablets and smartphones.)
  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Downloading neccesary documents (restaurant menus and specials)
  • Custom made forms for employment and event enquries
  • Detailed Event Calendar which can be shown to relative pages per category.
  • YouTube Video integration

Diggers Services Club has variety of services - dining, bottle shop, bars, live entertainment, bingo, gaming, functions.  It was a chanllenge for us how all the information can be laid out and easy to navigate betwen the pages.  We changed the old navigation systems to the one which are more easier to follow.


Event Calendar

The most significant feature of this website would be an event calendar.  Events are colour coded by categories.

When they move the cursor, the details of the event popup.

Diggers Services Club What's on Calendar

And they can click to more information of the page.


SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Basic SEO packages from Sumico Net are included. Installation of Google Analytics, Google Webmaster tool ( now it is called Search Console and SEO plugin.  We trained their staff how to use the SEO plugin.

Upcoming events are now displayed on the home page. It displays the future events on that day. It changes daily which are great for SEO.

It was very important to redirect old URLs to new URLs.  We made sure the visitors will not see "404 Page Not Found" message but redirect to new page.  This is essential to include when renew the website. 


YouTube Account

We created their YouTube channel, uploaded the video, connected their Google+ page and website.


Post Production / Training

We provide ongoing support for updating the website.

We provided training their staff member how to update website, adding new events on the calendar. We also provided Photoshop training.  They believed that the quality of the images on the website is important.  We provided onsite Photoshop training including how to crop, how to make the image sharper, correct the colour. 


Please contact Sumico Net today for your desktop/laptop/tablet/mobile friendly website developement.

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